Like a Man
TV journalist, Matt Chisholm, is on a mission to tackle male suicide.
First, he has to challenge our ideas about what it means to be a modern Kiwi man.
Share PromoLike A Man + Movember
Movember is very proud to fund Like A Man and to bring this documentary concept to New Zealand.
Like A Man builds on the success of the Man Up documentary series, which aired in Australia in 2016. Man Up was developed in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and Heiress Films, funded by Movember.

If you’re feeling low or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to local support services – they’re here to help.
Need help navigating a chat with someone who might be struggling? Use these simple tips to open and guide the conversation.
LIKE A MAN in partnership with:

Like A Man is 100% Movember-funded, thanks to our epic community of Mo Bros and Mo Sisters.
Urgent support is available for you or someone you know by calling:
1737 Need To Talk (1737)
The Suicide Crisis Helpline (0508 828 865), or
Lifeline (0800 543 354)
If you're ever worried that someone's life is in immediate danger, call 111 or go directly to emergency services.