Mo to the max
Why choose one way to Mo, when there’s three? Choose to Grow a moustache, Move by walking or running 60 kms throughout the month, or Host a Mo-ment by gathering mates. Check out your options on
Find your wolf pack
Movember’s more fun when you’re in it together. So let everyone and anyone know what you’re doing during the month – and ask them to jump on board too. More Mo’s means more funds for men’s health.
‘Challenge’ yourself
Link up with Mo Bros and Mo Sistas with similar interests, as you go head-to-head in a Challenge. Egg each other on in the leaderboards, and compete for prizes. We’ve got Banking Challenges, Legal Challenges, School Challenges and more.
Break the mould
Don’t be afraid to get creative with your fundraising to ramp up your regular Movember efforts. Offer to do something for family or friends in return for donations. Stand on your head. Cook dinner for the month. Go out on the town in costume. If it raises funds and awareness for men’s health, you’re nailing it.
Get ‘appy
The new-and-improved Movember app on iOS and Android makes it easy to have fun, doin’ good. Snap photos, add stickers, and spread the message of men’s health in just a few taps. Haven’t got it already? Head to the App Store or Google Play Store now.
Start downloading
There are some downloads that we do condone. Like getting your hands on our fundraising resources – available through your Mo Space. You’ll find tips, posters, and packs that make fundraising a whole lot easier.
Rock a Mo. Save a bro.
Show your allegiance to the Mo while radiating style with this limited edition Movember tee. Every shirt sold benefits the Movember Foundation’s groundbreaking work. Get yours here.
With these tips, you’re ready to take on one hairy ride. Mo on.

23 October 2018
Is your upper-lip tingling in anticipation for Movember 2018? Prep yourself to go bigger, better and hairier for men’s health with these quick tips.
What you need to know before you Mo