13 November 2018


New Zealand men are famous for keeping their cards close to their chest, not giving anything away, holding their emotions at bay – but this is a problem, because every day in New Zealand, a Kiwi man commits suicide.

So, this year, Movember NZ will be giving New Zealand men an outlet, with zero judgement: a Census or what they’re calling, a Mensus (see what they did there?) Because sharing or confronting an issue alone can help prevent men from committing suicide.

Complete the Movember Mensus here: www.movembermensus.co.nz 

Movember is asking men to answer several fun but important questions about their own mental wellbeing.
Questions include:

1. How do you see yourself? A. Bit of a dropkick, B. Room for improvement, C. People seem to
like me, D. I like who I am, or E. I’m the man!

2. Which stresses you out the most? A. Money, B. Work stuff, C. Health, D. The Warriors, or E.

The idea behind the Mensus, is to understand and reveal what the men of New Zealand are actually thinking and feeling, to bring to the surface what’s a very real problem in New Zealand – that our men are taking their own lives.
Robert Dunne, Movember NZ believes the Mensus is a way to firstly get men to acknowledge how they’re feeling.
“We have deliberately crafted a few laughs into some of the questions, this is based on a cultural insight that humour is a way in, to start an important conversation.

“Sometimes men aren’t even aware they’re thinking or feeling a certain way before it’s too late. Sadness, depression and anxiety sometimes creep up on us but the Mensus aims to provide New Zealand men with an opportunity to take a step back and ponder exactly how they’re feeling.

“Ultimately, we’re hoping to uncover a state of the nation... for our feelings, and give Kiwi men some useful tools for having a yarn and looking out for one another,” says Dunne.

Online, the Mensus will respond to participants on completion, offering tailored messages to help start a conversation, or get help depending on the answers selected.

Men around the country will be able to answer the Mensus from November 1 and some of the nation’s most well-known men have already put their hands up to be among the first to complete it, including; Jeremy Wells, Matt Heath, the boys from Kiwi hip-hop collective SWIDT, All Black Brodie Retallick, New Zealand’s First Bachelor and Entrepreneur Art Green, and Rugby Legend Josh Kronfeld to name a few.

At the end of the month, Movember will make the results and insights available to the nation, with a special copy presented to the Ministry of Health.

Dunne says it’s important the New Zealand Government has the opportunity to review the Mensus data.
“Our report, direct from New Zealand men, will arrive alongside the findings of the New Zealand Mental Health Inquiry, also due at the end of the month.”

Complete the Movember Mensus here: www.movembermensus.co.nz