Angus Westgarth is a TiMOru local who’s taken the Movember spirit to heart.
This father of two is better known as the ‘Twit on Tour’, and has been travelling across the country in his van ‘Merv’ raising money and awareness for the 2012 Movember campaign.
If this wasn’t enough dedication to the hairy cause, this Mo Bro has been doing this on a wing and a prayer. Each morning when Angus awoke he had absolutely no idea where he would be hitting the hay that night.
Along with 35,000 other New Zealanders, Angus caught the Twitter bug. It is through this connected community of Tweeps that he relied on to spread the Movember word and offer him accommodation each night of his journey.
The aim of Movember is to raise both vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression. Angus himself has suffered from depression for large parts of his adult life, as well losing a number of treasured friends and family to cancer. So it’s for these extremely valid reasons that Angus has embraced the spirit of Movember wholeheartedly.
In 2011 Angus was a big Movember activist and raised a huge $5,000 which put him tenth in the country for top individual fundraisers. He did this whilst living in TiMOru and utilising Twitter to raise funds - and this is where the idea stemmed for the 2012 Twit on Tour.
This year, Angus didn’t just want to send Tweets but become the Tweet himself.
He has his sights set on an impressive $25,000 and when someone shows this kind of commitment who’s to say he won’t reach it! Regardless whether he achieves this goal, Angus is doing an amazing job of raising Movember awareness throughout New Zealand.
After starting in home base TiMOru at the beginning of the month, he’s driven to a different township or city almost everyday and says that so far, the experience has been very different to what he anticipated.
For example, Angus talks of how overwhelming and humbling it was to arrive in our nation’s capital and have 50 people he’d never met gather in a bar to celebrate his efforts. Yes, there might have been one or two logistical problems along the way, but also many amazingly positive moments took place throughout his journey.
Regardless of how big or small a town was, Angus says that he’s always found someone to help him out - which just shows the awareness this ‘Twit on Tour’ has created for Movember throughout the country.
So if you Tweet, check Angus’ journey out on @TwitOnTourNZ, or simply donate money to this awesome and inspirational Mo Bro by checking out his Team: Twit on Tour Mo Space page!
It’s been a huge effort for a great cause so get behind it!!

18 November 2012
For most people, Movember is a great excuse to grow a moustache and raise a bit of coin for a good cause. One man however, has decided to take this to the next level and take the meaning of Movember to the people aka the TWIT ON TOUR.
A 'Twit on Tour' for Movember