This is a good point to take a moment and appreciate what’s been achieved to date, not only here in New Zealand, but also around the world. All of these Mo Bros and Mo Sistas are starting conversations and raising funds that are making an impact.
Often it’s the funds raised by a cause that are most remembered, but the awareness raised through the power of the moustache is equally as important to Movember. The growth of a new moustache prompts a conversation, which in turn generates awareness and educates people on the health issues men face. Take a look at some of the places the Mo has turned up and turned heads.
By Land: From the Cliffs of Moher to the Streets of Time Square, Mo’s are cropping up everywhere.
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
The world’s largest Mo was projected on to the iconic Cliffs of MOher. Watch how our dedicated Mo’s pulled off this impressive stunt.
Hong Kong
Graffiti artists and Mo Ambassadors Peter Yuill and Mark Goss aren’t only sporting Mo’s on their face this month, but they hit the streets of Hong Kong to deliver some killer Mo street art.
Stockholm, Sweden
The largest hemispherical building in the world, the Ericsson Globe, kicked off the month by being Made in Movember.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Illuminated Mo’s are lighting up the skies around the world and the EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam is no exception.London, UK
Mo’ing the grass took a bit longer at Canary Wharf when this 100ft Mo appeared, sparking conversations and awareness to the thousands of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas who work nearby in this bustling Financial district.
Times Square, New York, USA
Moustaches are taking over Times Square thanks to a generous donation of billboard space from our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas at Carat USA and Posterscope.
By Air: Planes aren’t the only things taking to the skies, we have an orange panel van that flies.
Hair Lingus: Des
Showing their Movember support, Aer Lingus, Ireland’s national airline, have painted a giant Mo onto a plane for 6 weeks. He’s called Des and will be cruising the airways of Europe for the month – keep an eye out for him.
Clear for landing
To greet many a traveller to the region, Southampton Airport pulled out all the stops by grooming the largest Mo next to the runway. Whether arriving or departing this Mo gets people talking about men’s health.
Honk if you’re hairy
We’ve all seen planes, zeppelins and hot air balloons fly above, but have you had the pleasure of looking up and seen a flying van? Sydney residents got a treat as the iconic Movember panel van flew over the beach on Movember 1st to launch the hairiest month of the year.By Sea: Movember is in motion as moustache boats float on the ocean.

Mo Ferry
The Fullers Ferry is all Mo'd up and can be seen transporting commuters around the Auckland Harbour and Hauraki Gulf.
A ferry Mo
Things got hairy on the Star Ferry Pier, Tsim Sha Tsui, in Hong Kong as the boat proudly wears its moustache.
Crossing the ocean
The Sydney Harbour Bridge is displaying a moustache for all to see – from land or from water.Wherever your Mo takes you, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas, enjoy the ride. Stay focused, it’s the final and most important stretch of our journey. You have your Mo’s, use them to start men’s health conversations and fight the good fight.
See who’s topping the fundraising table by checking out the leaderboards.