Every man has a reason for their moustache efforts, from simply wanting to dedicate their top lip to becoming a walking talking men’s health billboard to having a personal men's health experience that motivates them each and every Movember. Behind the Mo is a series of videos, podcasts and articles that aims to tell these stories, as behind every great Mo is a Mo Bro story worth telling.
To launch the series we sat down for a chat with Liam Cotton. ‘Cottsy’ is a young man from the deep south of New Zealand, specifically a small rural town called Lawrence. Liam bravely choose to share his story and what motivates him to grow one of the best ‘wisps’ your ever likely to come across.
As a young man Liam grew up on a farm with his family, before making the move to the big city of Dunedin to start his schooling at Otago Boys High School where he boarded throughout. A keen sportsman, Liam played 1st XI cricket and constantly socialized with his mates, hardly getting a second to himself between sports teams, schooling and boarding.
As the true southern man Liam is, he continued his studies in Dunedin, this time continuing on from High School to Otago University. Liam and his friends continued to spend close to every waking hour together, going to classes, flatting, parties and some studying.
While living the life young men in New Zealand dream of, and seemingly having nothing to worry about, Liam tragically lost one of his closest friends to suicide.
As Liam will tell you, this rocked him. He didn’t realise at all one of his closest friends that he spent most of his time with was struggling, and if he could have helped him in any way he would have.
Liam’s message today is a clear and simple one. He wants all his friends to know that no matter what he’s there for them and wants young men around New Zealand to understand the importance of physically telling your mates that.
Check out Iiams video to hear his message.

23 November 2018
Behind the Mo is a new element to Movember that aims to educate Mo Bro’s and Mo Sista’s about some of the key factors behind the moustaches seen gracing the face of men throughout November.
Behind the Mo: Liam Cotton