“I support The Movember Foundation and related events like the Distinguished Gentlemans ride because I believe the issues they address are extremely relevant and important.
I have seen the positive impact of a family member survive a fight with prostate cancer, thanks to early diagnosis and modern medicine however, I have also seen the extremely negative side. I have lost friends, acquaintances and colleagues to physical and mental illness that perhaps, could have been prevented. Sadly, my experience is not unique or even extreme. Nearly everyone is currently or has been affected by these issues in some way.
For the better part of my adult years, I just accepted that the negatives were normal and just part of life. I was one of the many who bought into the definition of a strong man being a stoic individual who didn’t show weakness and ‘toughed it out’ in isolation when things went sideways. It was when my son was born, and I promised to myself that I would raise a him to be a kind, strong person, that I finally realized this point of view wasn’t acceptable. I would have to change my perception and deal with struggles of my own to set a proper example for him right from the beginning.
By participating in and supporting this great cause, it helps work toward my goals of self-improvement, set a good example, learn from and contribute to others. The reality is, the issues we all face are increasingly complex and ever changing so the only logical way to overcome them is through awareness, communication and teamwork.”
26 November 2018
Mike Gilbert talks about what motivated him to support Movember and men's health in 2018
Behind the Mo: Mike Gilbert