2 June 2015

We’ve been chatting to Kiwi farmers about their health. The results of these conversation might surprise you.

Tackling the health of our farmers head on
Where The Money Goes
We’ve always assumed that farmers tend to be better at looking after their stock, crops and farming equipment than looking after themselves. However, recent research carried out by our friends at the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand has found that almost half (47%) of farmers identified wellbeing and quality of life as being top of mind. 

We’ve also been talking to Mo Bros working on farms and found that the missing link here is due to the fact that farmers may be unsure about where to find information on taking action for their health.  The Movember Foundation is tackling this head on with Farmstrong, a new initiative to promote wellbeing for all farmers across New Zealand. Thanks to the efforts of the Kiwi Mo community, the Movember Foundation has funded $835,000 towards Farmstrong which will be implemented in a groundbreaking collaboration between the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand and leading rural insurer Farmers Mutual Group.

Farmstrong will help shift the focus of mental health from depression and illness to one of wellbeing, making a positive difference to the lives of farmers across New Zealand. Farmers can check out www.farmstrong.co.nz, which offers practical tools and resources to help farmers take care of themselves. There will also be information on topics such as nutrition, managing fatigue, exercise, the importance of getting off the farm and coping with stress. Farmstrong also provides farmers with innovative ways to connect with each other through sporting events, social media and local workshops.

“As a catalytic funder of men’s health programmes globally, the Movember Foundation is a proud co-funder of this groundbreaking collaborative programme. We believe Farmstrong is an innovative and powerful programme that builds on the strength of New Zealand farmers and their community. We thank the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of New Zealand who have directly contributed to this great programme.”
Robert Dunne, New Zealand Country Director, the Movember Foundation.  

For more information check out the report card.